Tuesday, June 27, 2006

The Show Must Go On....

Picture if you will....

There we are getting set up on stage a t a local bar, preparing for our set as part of a Battle Of The Bands. Things are going well. We are introduced and the guitars kick in. Energy levels are high. We are rocking out and sounding great. We are starting the set with a big time hard rock version of "Play That Funky Music". In place of the rather subdued "Hey" that starts the original song, I start with a huge Heavy Metal scream. This is always a crowd pleaser and I do it well so why not? I take a deep breath and let her rip. I'm sounding good. I'm wailing like a banshee and the crowd is eating it up. It then becomes apparent that my breath was not deep enough. It starts as a sharp pain behind my eyes, then I feel very dizzy. I stumble to one side and bounce off a guitar player. This sends me to the other side where I get tangled up in a mic cord and hit the other guitar player. Then things start to go dark and...I fall face first over the monitor and off the stage. I land hard on my face with the mic under my chest. No time to get my hands out to break the fall, just, thud. It hurt like hell. I thought maybe I was dead but slowly things began to come back into focus. The band continued playing. Until it became obvious I was not getting up. The next thing I remember is everything stopping and being rolled over onto my back on the dancefloor. The entire bar has gathered around me. People are screaming. Most seem to think I've had a heart attack or something. As my wits begin to return I quietly ask to be let up. After what seemed like forever the crowd begins to spread out and I'm back on my feet. I return to the stage and we start again. Deeper breath this time and all goes well. We play a killer set and end up winning the battle that night. The only thing anyone is talking about after our set is my fall.

This was the start of a very hellish week for me. This happened on a Wednesday night and we were booked at another bar for the remainder of the week. Three night gigs are rare but they generally pay well. We get to the bar on Thursday night and everyone is talking about my unplanned stage dive. Word travels fast through small town Manitoba. The adrenaline rush from Wednesday has worn off and I'm now in pain. A whole lot of pain. I have a very deep and ugly bruise across my thingh where I hit the monitor on my way to the floor. I have another on my chest in the shape of a microphone. I can barely walk but...the show must go on. We get through our first night without incident. I'm not my usual high energy, rocking all over the stage self but that's OK, I'm injured. We retire back to our rooms and have a few drinks and laughs, mostly at my expense. Friday night and we're ready to hit the stage again. The intro to "Taking Care Of Business" is going swimmingly. I step up to the mic and...croak. Ok lets try this again. I wait a little while the band extends the intro and step back to the mic and...I think someone has replaced my voice box with one of those kids toys that sounds like a dying cow when you turn it over. My voice is gone. It's not just sounding a little hoarse or rough around the edges, it's gone. I leave the stage and run to my room. I'm a bit of an emotional guy and this has never happened to me before. My girlfriend tracks me down and I'm a mess. She goes back out and tells the guys in the band the situation. It is decided that the show must go on. I end up sitting in the restaurant scrawling out song lyrics on the backs of placemats and taping them to our bass players mic stand so that he can sing for this show. He's a hell of a bass player but...not much of a singer. I'm cringing through most of the set while listening to him. Things are not looking good. It turns out that there are members of a couple other bands in attendance that night and they graciously help us out by turning the evening into an impromptu jam session. Again we retire back to the hotel room at the end of the night for more laughs at my expense. Next morning and my voice has not returned. We wait it out for the afternoon just to see if I'll get any better. I try to avoid smoking and talking in an effort to get my voice back. No luck. We talk to the bar manager and it is decided that we will not play this night. In the 17 years that I have been a local rock star, this was the only time the show did not go on. I was devastated. I felt terrible. The guys were very good about the whole situation and I was not kicked out of the band or anything. I stopped feeling bad about the whole thing when it became apparent that I was going to be the butt of all jokes for a long, long time. To this day, almost 7 years later and even though I am in a completely different band, I am still reminded with alarming regularity about my fall from the stage. It seems like thousands of people were there and remember me diving head first into the dancefloor. I'm pretty sure there were maybe only one hundred or so but as the legend grows and becomes more exaggerated, so do the numbers in attendance that night. Who knows maybe I'll be famous some day and the venue will change to some huge stadium, in front of 10's of 1000's of fans. Maybe I will have died and miraculously recovered because...The Show Must Go On.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Tagged! Again

Ok so Crazy Mama D has tagged me again, this time with a list of sevens or 7's if you prefer. So....

7 Things I want To Do Before I Die

Play an arena show with FUGR. (Could happen)
Release a full album of original material by FUGR. (getting pretty close to this one)
Get and keep a good job. (more on this another time)
Learn to play the guitar while singing. (harder than it looks)
Lose about 100lbs. (maybe I should go back to TKD with Mama D)
Visit Finland. (Hanoi Rocks baby!)
Convince my parents to move back to Manitoba. (NB is too far away)

7 Things I Can't Do

Play guitar and sing at the same time. (See above)
Eat Pork. (I like it, it doesn't like me)
Read Chinese. (Billions can, I can't)
Fly. (Really. I can't. I've tried)
Quit smoking. (Really. I can't. I've tried)
Type. (There's a reason these things take so long to post)
Add in my head. (My wife can though. Think I'll keep her)

7 Things That Attracted Me To My Spouse

Red Hair. (It's a thing I have)
Sense of humour. (She can be mean but she's funny as hell)
The fact that she was with someone else when I met her. (I like a challenge. I won!)
Her taste in movies. (Not quite the same as mine, but that's cool)
Her conversational skills. (We talked ALL night on our first date)
She didn't like me just because I'm in a band. (Been there, done that. It sucks)
She's damn cute! (She really is. Ask anyone)

7 Things I Say Often

Dammit! (And a LOT of other curse words, but this is a family show)
Excellent. (Holdover from my youth. Gotta love them '80s!)
Rock and Roll! (It's a cliche, but I do it)
Thanks. (I usually mean it too)
Cool.(Doesn't everybody?)
Are you having a good time? (More cliched stage banter)
I'm sure I could. (My wife hates this one. She would much prefer a simple "yes")

7 Books I Love

The Ghoul - Michael Slade. (Anything by him actually but this is my favourite)
The Tommy Knockers - Stephen King. (Ditto)
Lords Of Chaos (Really good study of the Norwegian Black Metal Scene. They're crazy)
12 Days On The Road - The Sex Pistols In America ( A really good "What not to do" for musicians)
The Hitchhikers Guide To the Galaxy. ( The entire 5 part trilogy)
The Long Dark Tea Time Of The Soul. (More Douglas Adams wackiness)
Mankind - Have A Nice Day. (Mick Foley Rules!)

7 Movies I Could Watch Over and Over Again

Dawn Of The Dead. (The original version. Romero is a genius)
Friday the 13th. (The one that started it all)
Pink Floyd The Wall. (It's just too cool)
The Empire Strikes Back. (Easliy the best of the whole series)
This Is Spinal Tap. (I'm a musician. It's required by the union)
Time Bandits. (My all time favourite movie)
Monty Python and The Holy Grail. (Funniest movie ever)
Hard Core Logo. (I know that makes 8 but I couldn't narrow it down any more)

7 People I'm Going To Tag

Mama D is the only person I know who does this and she tagged me so....

There you have it. Back to the crazy band stories next time...Rock and Roll!!!!